Friday, February 06, 2009

Love Your Wetlands Day!

What: The San Diego Audubon Society and the UC Natural Reserve System invite you to celebrate “Love Your Wetlands Day” by helping us patrol the Northern Wildlife Preserve in Mission Bay for invasive mangrove plants and trash.

When: Saturday, Feb 14th 10am - 1pm

Where: Northern Wildlife Preserve, Mission Bay

Why: We are working to restore this rare coastal salt marsh to benefit the endangered Light-Footed Clapper Rail and Belding’s Savannah Sparrow, just two of the many bird species that depend on this important wetland. We'll be clearing the nesting site of invasive plants so the terns can use the site for nesting and rearing their young.

Directions: Meet in the front of TP for rides at 9:15 AM.

For drivers: The project site can be accessed via Campland at 2211 Pacific Beach Dr. Parking is available at the end of Pacific Beach Drive just outside the main entrance. Proceed by foot through the Campland entrance, take your 2nd right on Great Blue Heron Run and follow signs to Riding Hood Wood Park on the left.

ATTENTION! FOR KEY CLUBBERS AGES 13-17: As required by the San Diego Park and Recreation Department, for volunteers 17 and under, a parent or guardian must sign a waiver for each child before the event. (Waivers would either be present at the Thursday Key Club Meeting or will be handed out when we meet in the front of the school)

****Remember to wear work clothes (long pants, long-sleeved shirt, hat, and sturdy shoes) and sunscreen. If you have them, bring work gloves and weeding tools or clippers. Snacks and water will be provided. If you have one, feel free to bring your own reusable water bottle to help us reduce paper cup waste.

If you have any questions regarding this event, please feel free to email me at and I will try to get back to you as soon as possibile.