"Caring - our way of life."
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Key Club Elections 2010
It's election time again for Key Club. The board positions that are up for election every year are President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Bulletin Editor, and Historian. You may go to cnhkeyclub.org to learn more about each position. If you have any further questions, please feel free to email or ask any of the current board members about their respective positions.
Thank you for your interest in applying to be a leader on the TPHS Key Club Board! Please keep in mind that it is a great honor and time commitment to serve the largest community service groups on campus, and if you are running for a position, Key Club must be a top priority. We are looking for responsible, dedicated, charismatic leaders who are passionate about community service and who have a vision to take Key Club to even greater heights!
Before running for a position, please be sure you are, first, capable of taking the numerous and time consuming responsibilities of each respective position, and second, knowledgeable of how Key Club is run, distinctively. Be interested and solely committed to the position that you are running for.
Officers are required to attend many meetings - board meetings on Tuesdays, general meetings on Thursdays, any arbitrary weekend meetings, and Divisional Council Meetings. Officers must work together, be proactive, and always take the initiative for the betterment of the board, the club, or the community.
Election Statements are due to tphskeyclub@gmail.com on February 18, 2010. They will be posted on the website for members to read and be informed about the election.
Elections will be February 25, 2010, on our general meeting day.
After election, officer-elects will learn under the experience of the current board will be instated after DCON (April 9-11, 2010) and will have term until the following District Convention in 2011.
Richard Tong
Hello, my fellow Key Clubbers. It seems about that time of year again, a time when the leaders of the next generation Key Club may congregate and boast their skills in personality and administration; a time when prospective leaders may surpass their barriers of fear and seize the reins of the great power in people before them; a time when all must recognize their responsibilities in leadership and the deciding of such leaders as well; and most importantly, it is a time for the escalation of the current spiritual and working state of our great club. As your potential president, I understand the level of responsibility required for such a prestigious position, and will work to continue and expand upon Torrey Pines Key Club’s reliability in reaching events and accomplishing the work we were sent there to do. I also understand that, as the president of Key Club, I will be looked upon as a leader figure and a role model, and will maintain a “lead by example” working ethic as well as sacrifice my own social profile for the spiritual cause. Finally, as I myself was once in dire need of volunteer hours, I promise that, as your future president, no work will go unchecked and all hours will be accounted for. My fellow Key Clubbers, the time for action has finally come. Thank you for considering my position, and please, vote!
Jill Wong
Hey Key Clubbers…how do you feel? My name is Jill Wong, and I’m currently a junior. I’m running for Key Club ’10-’11 president because I think I can bring a lot to this club. Cliché, yes, but I hope I can do my part to help TPKC run efficiently, be as spirited as possible and contribute the most it can to the local community. I am the Key Club Secretary right now, so I record volunteer hours for events, post them on the website, take notes at board meetings, help coordinate events and answer any questions you may have about your hours. Though I do have a specific job description like the other board members, that description is flexible – everyone actually goes beyond those duties to make this club run as smoothly as possible. I have helped Key Club Vice President Lynn Truong with DCON flights and hotels, worked with Eden Berdugo, our President, to sort out upcoming events, and gone over mass emails and website posts with Bulletin Editor Mindy Duong, among other things. Thanks to my position as Secretary, I’ve learned to use Excel, keep everything organized and work well with a group of wonderful people. I have served over 200 volunteer hours with Key Club since my freshman year and also participated in peer tutoring programs and Study Buddies. Though I am also on the newspaper and play piano, I don’t hesitate to say that Key Club is my priority; my class schedule next year is not that difficult, so all extra time I have will be dedicated towards Key Club. I hope you’ll vote for me, and I thank you for being a member of Key Club!
Eden Berdugo
Hello there! My name is Eden Berdugo and I am running for President. I have been in Key Club since my Freshman year, serving as Freshmen and Sophomore representative, and as President this past year. I have learned a lot about the club as well as myself through these past positions. I had to challenge and test myself in different environments and situations in order to learn what worked best. This remarkable journey has allowed me to clearly figure out my strengths and weaknesses as a student, a leader, and simply a teenager. In all, my experience throughout these past three years has led me to gain new skills which will help me to maintain as well as continue to strengthen the club. Aside from the experience that Key club has given me, it has also made me realize something I would have never been able to without this club, and that is the power that each individual has to truly bring change to others and their communities. I have the qualifications of a good leader: I am not afraid to confront students or adults, I am a good speaker and loud when I need to be (division 37 south, what what!), I am patient and realistic, but I also know how to take criticism and how to keep striving to reach my greatest potential. Over the past year, I have coordinated a multitude of events such as the monthly Teen Senior Connects and Fall Rally, and I have also conjoined all the major clubs on campus into one big group (TP Relief Team) to focus on Haiti disaster relief by utilizing the man power school holds. With the foundation I have built over the years, I will be able to continue to accomplish mine as well as members’ goals. Something I want to work on next year is, trying to bring all corners of the school together and make key club more diverse in terms of our projects. I also want to connect more to the people and communities we help through events that involve more people to people interaction. I am willing to do whatever it takes to keep this club strong and make sure it achieves its fullest potential. So vote for me, Eden Berdugo, for Key Club President 2010-2011!
Vice President
Mina Zhou
This past year the éclat of being connected to an international community service organization through my local school Key Club is unprecedented. I was able to fulfill my wish to do more for my community through my duties as Treasurer. Now, this year I want to continue my dedication to and augment my involvement in the community and serve as Torrey Pine High School Key Club’s Vice President. Key Club has served as a blessing this year, not only has the club enabled me to expand my horizons but it has also allowed me to establish new relationships with a myriad of members. With all these benefits that key club has given me, I want to reshow my gratitude and allow this club to enjoy heightened prosperity next year. I feel like my journey has just began in the world of service and an additional year on the Board will further expand my experiences and provide another opportunity to give back to the club, the school, and the community. I feel that I am qualified for this job through my experience on the Board, participation at the Regional Training Conference and DCMS, and involvement in countless events throughout the year. I have a firm grasp on what it takes to ensure that the club flourishes. I have experience with working with Kiwanis and I understand the pivotal significance of unity and the concept of working together. Additionally, I have been told that I am always bursting with energy and I feel that my personality will propel me forward and enhance my abilities as Vice President. I always put one hundred and ten percent into everything and anything I do. I am the person who says “the cup is half full,” and I’m always available to help and the word “impossible” is not in my vocabulary. I love being busy; it feels fulfilling to be able to spend my time wisely and efficiently. Being Vice President will be a tremendous experience for me personally and I hope you will also find it a remarkable experience for you as well for me. This would be the opportunity in which I get to share my point of view and contribute even more than I do now. If I do get the chance to prove my capabilities to you, I will make sure that everything is running smoothly on a daily basis. I will make sure that all the events, all of which were carefully planned, happen. For next year, I will try my hardest to make DCON as inexpensive as possible in order to make sure that all the members who wish to join in the life-changing event will have the chance. I do not guarantee that my term will be infallible but I will make sure that any mistakes or problems will be dealt with effectiveness and the same mistakes will not occur twice. Key Club has taught me so much yet I still have a long way to go. With the position of Vice President I will ensure that Torrey Pines High School Key Club will be the best club in the district and we will be the club to watch next year.
Joey Nievera
Hello fellow Key Clubbers! I am Joey Nievera, one of the three junior representatives of TPKC. To me, Key Club is amazing because it is an enriching way to serve the community all while surrounding yourself with ASIANS (Ardent, Stupendous, Intelligent, Active, Nifty Students--what did you think I was referring to?). I became an active member this year, because of my own interest in volunteering. As I started to learn about what the club can offer, I was elected representative which pushed me to learn even more about how to become a leader in Key Club. While accumulating fifty community service hours, I also coordinated events and attended divisional meetings and training conferences. The hours I spent working closely with the other board members showed me the tremendous amount of hard work and commitment that they all have put into making this club as successful as it is today. Being a part of this board has shown me the importance of not only being a leader, but also being a team player. Most importantly, I learned that to be an effective officer means to exceed the requirements of his/her respective job so that we can push each other to become better, dependable leaders. I believe I can become next year’s vice president because I am aware of what the position entails. Whether it is making arrangements for DCON or making sure everyone is on task, I know I can get the job done because of my tremendous work ethic and my ability to lead by example. Most importantly, I offer another attribute that is crucial to accomplishing what we want to do for next year: my time. Key Club is and will always be my number one priority; believe me when I say that no sport, instrument, TV show, or video game will get in the way of me doing the best job I can possibly do as vice president.
Catherine Lee
Hi fellow Key Clubbers! My name is Catherine, I'm a junior and I'm running for the position of secretary. First, I just want to say that I am using the words 'position' and 'board' but that's inaccurate, because I'm not running for an officer position just because it's an officer position. Key Club for me is much more than community service, college credit and volunteer hours. It’s like my family, like DISNEYLAND (the happiest club on Earth) and basically most amazing thing ever (besides cookies.) Anyway, I'm running for a board position in general because I love working as part of the Key Club board and participating in the administrative side of Key Club and the behind-the-scenes action that keeps Key Club running as smoothly as possible (I really like organizing things for some reason). As a current representative, I have worked very closely with the current board and I understand what being on the Key Club board entails, and maybe have a little first- and secondhand experience at working as a Key Club board officer. Aside from regular events, I've also been to divisional events, DCMs, and even Kiwanis board meetings, and I understand what's going on. Specifically, I'm running for secretary because I feel like I could contribute the most to Key Club by being secretary. I understand that being secretary involves long hours of tabulating hours, filling out MRFs, taking meeting minutes and more, and to be honest, I’m actually excited to do that work. I have a lot of free time (some of my friends like to joke that I can generate time), and I am definitely able and willing to dedicate that time to secretarial duties. I would get hours updated efficiently and promptly, keep/tweak the current hours policy based on member feedback, and of course, always be open to sorting out any discrepancies that might occur. I feel like I am very qualified for the position secretary because of the amount of time I'd be able to dedicate to KC and I really believe my skills are well-suited to the job, especially because I love forms, organizing, and everything else about Key Club. TP KEY CLUB 4 LIFE (:
Michael Dang
Hi my name is Michael Dang and I am a junior. I am running for Key Club Treasurer because I want to dedicate my time and efforts to this great club. There aren’t many clubs that are as organized and developed as Key Club, and I want to be apart of all the magic and wonder that occurs. I love how Key Club takes on a much further role than just being a community service club, like how it is so supportive for club spirit and inspires kids to take initiative to do something significant. I have important traits of a successful treasurer: being responsible, punctual, and enthusiastic and I feel that I fit perfectly for this position. I plan on reserving the majority of my time to ensure that my jobs as treasurer and a member are completed and to have Key Club take over as highest priority in my last year of high school.
Bulletin Editor
Pothana Kambhampati
I, Pothana G. Kambhampati, am running for Bulletin Editor. I have been in Key Club for three years now. I have gotten to understand the inner workings of not only the TPHS Key Club, but also the clubs of other schools (such as Mt. Carmel, RB, etc.) as well as KIWANIS. Having been to numerous campus-recyclings, marathons, DCMs - and giving rides - Key Club has let me connect with other KC-ers and has also shown me around San Diego. After playing a big role in my life, I feel like I should return TPHS Key Club the favor and also play a role in KC's heart.
As a member applying for Bulletin Editor, having basic HTML/computer skills does not set me apart other applicants; Anyone can maintain and/or update an already-created website and have the basic efforts to meet the job's description. However, after spending extensive time on the internet, looking at and creating different types of websites, blogs, and forums, I hope to bring several changes to the Key Club website, with new innovations and ideas.
Apart from being just labeled as the club's Bulletin Editor, I would like to feel as a part of the board in the club. Which means keeping up with what is going on, and supporting others' roles as well lending a hand where and when I can. I plan to reach out and help in event planning, fund-raising, and club organization. I am often on G-Talk, Yahoo! Messenger, and MSN; I check my E-Mail constantly; I always answer my phone and it is always in charge, so contacting me should never be an issue.
Cindy Yu
Hey Key Clubbers! My name is Cindy Yu and I’m a junior running for the position of Bulletin Editor. Key Club is without a doubt one of my highest priorities, as I am a determined and very dedicated member who has devoted over 200 hours of service to the community. Furthermore, I have continued to show my commitment by attending all of the Thursday general meetings as well as seven of the divisional council meetings. I believe that I have a vast amount of experience and knowledge concerning the club obtained through participation in several training conferences, volunteering, and coordinating various events. I am running for bulletin editor specifically because I want to interact with my fellow peers more and I have ideas for enhancing the website and presentation of the club (i.e. adding more pictures, having a “member of the month” component, making an event feedback section). Also, I really want our club to maintain its prestige and stay on top in our division! TPKC4L! We feel good! If elected to office, I will ensure that my duties as bulletin editor are carried out effectively and efficiently. I will take on the responsibility of collecting articles, taking pictures, and sending out emails. In addition, I will publicize, communicate, and inform the club of the current news and happenings by not only managing the website, but also starting a monthly newsletter featuring interesting and up-to-date Key Club information and announcements. Qualities that make me a dependable individual are my organizational skills, experience with technology, creativity, reliability, and work ethic. Regardless of the task at hand, I will never fail to get the job done. I am confident that if I am elected, I will fulfill and exceed the expectations of this position.
Tammy Truong
· My name is Tammy Truong and I am a freshman, here at Torrey Pines High.
· My cultural background is Chinese and Vietnamese.
· My favorite animal is the amazing panda bear and I appreciate all the colors of the rainbow.
· The hobbies I am passionate about doing are to sing, run, hang out with my family and friends, and to do community service.
· I’ve been involved with Key Club since the summer before my freshman year.
· I’ve attended more than six Divisional Council Meetings, some canyon cleanups, a couple marathons, multiple Fridays of recycling, and participated in a Key club fundraiser.
· In addition, I also became freshman representative this year, along with being involved with the Study Buddies Program.
· I coordinated two community service events: Juniper Canyon Enhancement and Love your Wetlands Day.
· So far, I have approximately 53 hours and still counting.
· This year, I will be running for Torrey Pines key club’s historian.
· After having an extraordinary experience as freshman representative, I would like to become your next key club’s historian because I have an ambition to capture every moment key club has to offer. I am most definitely determined to take on the responsibility and put in a lot of effort and creativity to create next year’s key club scrapbook for DCON and make sure every event has the best candid photos. I am also willing to guide and help my fellow key club officers and members in fundraisers and events in any way that I can.
Kristin Wu
How’s it going Key Club?!!
I’m Kristin and I am running to be your historian. You guys should vote for me because I honestly believe that I’ll be your best key club historian:
***I absolutely love taking the photos at key club events. I’m actually a photographer. And I have a SLR camera so I’ll make sure all of you guys look amazing in your shots no matter what you’re doing haha just in case, you know, you guys need potential Facebook defaults. Haha don’t deny it, you know you guys were thinking about it.
***I’m also a great editor, you know, photoshop and iphoto. Those are my homies. So, I promise you my photos are going to be really sick.
***I’ll also be sure to capture and record all the precious Key Club moments with all of your bright faces serving our community. I’m also going to try and get others involved in key club through my photographs. People are going to be like this event looks like a ton of fun. You know, actually Key Club looks like a ton of fun. You know what, I’M going to join Key Club now haha.
***Lastly, I love this club and what it stands for, and I know that I’ll work my hardest and do my best so that Torrey Pines Key Club will continue to be the best!
DCON 2010
"Service: Abuzz and Beyond"
What: DCON is an annual Key Club convention where Key Clubbers from California, Nevada, AND Hawaii, gather, meet people who love community service as much as you, learn more about Key Club and what we do on a global level, leadership skills, go to workshops, eat food, DANCE at a Governor's Ball, have fun, and be spirited!
When: April 9th-11th (It is during Spring Break)
Where: Sacramento Convention Center - we will be staying in a Hotel near there. (Of course, there will be chaperones)
Price: Around $250
In order to make the trip as cheap as possible, (flight, registration, hotel rooms) and since is it far away in Sacramento, we need to get a specific amount of people who are for sure going ASAP. For now, if you are interested in DCON, or if you already know for sure that you're going, or if you have any questions, please contact us! I went last year, and trust me, it is SUPER fun meeting and being with THOUSANDS of Key Clubbers.