Nadia Farjood Secretary 717-3396
| Jamie Ding |

Nadia Farjood Secretary 717-3396
| Jamie Ding |
Hello members, and thank you for your patience while we worked to build a new and much-improved website. This new site is a blog, which will allow us to post news, updates, and events much more frequently than before!
In addition, you may leave comments on each post, so if you have any questions about a certain event of announcement, ask away and we'll try to get back to you as soon as possible. Finally, this website is still new, so if you find any odd glitches or just have suggestions, don't hesitate to email Kevin. Thanks!
What: Every year, the TPHS Key Club travels to Pasadena to help decorate the Kiwanis International rose float to be used in the Rose Parade. Typically this involves climbing around on the float itself and gluing the various flowers and seeds (yes, every square inch must be covered with a natural flower, fruit, seed, etc) in their proper places. Think of it as a gigantic, 3-D coloring book. The warehouse is refrigerated to preserve the flowers, so it is highly recommended that you dress warmly. Food and refreshments will be provided.
When: December 30, 2006. Our shift is from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm, but because we must travel to Pasadena we will leave early in the morning and likely arrive back home in the evening.
Where: The floats for the Rose Parade are stored in a warehouse in Pasadena until the day of the parade. We will travel either by bus, with the rest of Division 37S, or carpool there. More details about travel coming soon.Last year's Kiwanis rose float, which your own TPHS Key Club helped finish!
Event Co-Chairs: Anthony Phung & Alan Tsoi
What: Key Club is responsible for emptying and sorting the contents of ALL of the recycling bins on campus. We then sort and empty the bottles and cans. Along with this, we are now also cleaning and picking up trash along a few areas of the school. This is a large endeavor and we need many dedicated volunteers! Bags, and carts are all provided. Gloves are there, if needed.
When: Every Friday after school until approximately 3:30 p.m.
Location: Meet after school by the Media Center ramp in the main building.
This is an independent event. You may do this at any time. Volunteers can do Bingo calling, visitation, assistance in special care, chatting, etc at the Brighton Gardens Senior Living Center (next to the fire station).
For more information call 259-2222 and ask for Amie Carter.
To participate, simply go to the front desk and tell the attendant you are from TPHS Key Club. Express interest in any of the above activities or tend to any task that is appointed.
Any apparel is okay. Please turn all electronic devices on silent mode, as a loud ring tone may startle the residents. The seniors love musical talent and if you can play an instrument please share your skill with others - this still counts as service!
The next Media Center cleanup is scheduled for Thursday, January 25, 2007.
Event Chair: Iris Wu (209-5319)
What: The books in the Media Center collect at lot of dust (both literally and figuratively), so Mrs. Goldberg the librarian wants volunteers who will vacuum the Media Center once a month. We will need approximately six people each time, and you will use backpack vacuums. Ghostbusters style!
When: Every fourth Thursday of the month, starting January 2007, unless otherwise noted.
Where: Come to the Media Center after school and talk to Mrs. Goldberg.
Contact: Kinsen Choy
What: Tutor other TPHS students in various subjects. If you think you are good at certain subjects and want to help somebody else out, go talk to Kinsen. Tell him you are from Key Club so he will know to send your hours to us.
When: Every Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday. After school, from 2:30 - 3:30.
Where: The tables by the computers in the Media Center. There should be a sign that says "Tutoring Center."
The next monthly beach cleanup is scheduled for Saturday, January 20, 2007. It will be at 2:00 pm instead of the usual 10:00 am.
Event Chair: Kevin Zhang (342-2940)
What: Enjoy a nice day at the beach while helping the environment! Pick-up sticks and trash bags will be provided. Wear comfortable clothes you can walk on the beach with.
Where: Meet at Powerhouse Park (Take Del Mar Heights Road toward the ocean, turn right onto Camino Del Mar, and turn left onto 15th Street. The park is on your left.)
When: 10:00 am - 12:00 pm, the last Saturday of every month unless otherwise noted.
Division 37S Officers Douglas Bi (RB) Stephen Jin (TP) TPHS Officers
Alan Tsoi Megan Ho | Representatives Lucy An Sophomore Danielle Li Sophomore Rachael Lee Junior Tri Luong Senior Max Wong Recycling Claire K. Chen Assistant Recycling |
All the names of non-members have been removed and are on a separate file. Until you turn in your member application, you are not considered a member and your hours do not get your dues in ASAP!
Year 2007-2008 hours (Last updated 8/31/08)
I pledge, on my honor,
to uphold the Objects of Key Club International;
to build my home, school and community;
to serve my nation and God;
and combat all forces which tend to undermine these institutions.
What is Key Club and what does it do?
Founded in 1925, Key Club is the oldest and largest community service program for high school students in world. What makes Key Club so successful is the fact that it is a student-led organization that teaches leadership through serving others. As members of the Kiwanis International organization, Key Club members build themselves as they build their schools and communities.
Today, Key Club exists on almost 5,000 high school campuses, primarily in the United States and Canada. Growth efforts, however, have taken the Key Club experience internationally to Canada, the Caribbean nations, Central and South America, and most recently to Asia and Australia.
Key Club International is an organization of individual Key Clubs and is funded by nominal dues paid by every member. Its officers are high school leaders elected by the members at district and International conventions. The organization offers a wide range of opportunities to its members:
• Leadership development
• Vocational guidance
• College scholarships
• Service-learning
• Personal enrichment
How can I join the TPHS Key Club?
Come to one of our meetings held during lunchtime every Thursday in the Lecture Hall (near the gym). Everyone is welcome to attend. Membership applications can be obtained either at the meetings or at the website.
How does the TPHS Key Club operate?
At each meeting the officers will announce the details about upcoming events and lay out sign-up sheets for those events. Members may then sign up for events they are interested in. Members are not obliged to go to a certain event--they may attend as many or as few events as they wish to. If a member misses a meeting, he or she can check the website for up-to-date information.
What has the TPHS Key Club been doing recently?
Key Club is very busy with many events every week. A few events we have recently done include: packing food at the San Diego Food Bank, helping the elderly at the Brighton Gardens Senior Living Center, making cards for cancer patients at the Children’s Hospital, picking up trash on the beach, and collecting supplies for victims of Hurricane Katrina, to name just a few.
Key Club spirit is huge! To make the most of your rally and convention experiences, you better know these cheers by heart.
...........................(Click on the picture to enlarge and see his beautiful frontal profile)................................
Solana Pacific Summer Splash + Miracle Mile of Quarters + Dollars for Scholars