Coordinator: Michelle Chow (858)-794-9537 / (858)-793-7023
When: 5:30-11:30am on Sunday, December 2nd
Meet at Torrey Pines at 5:30 am <--- changed from 5:00 am!
What: The even raises money for the Susan G. Komen Foundation for a cure for breast cancer. We will be working at the finish line, post race refreshments, and water stations.
This is seriously one of the most fun events of the year! Afterwards they have a bunch of free food and goodies.
Balboa Park on 6th Avenue between Nutmeg and Quince Street
go to
As the start address, enter 3710 Del Mar Heights Road, San Diego, California, 92130
As the end address, enter 6th Ave @32.736642, -117.159410 to:6th Ave @32.735570, -117.159420 to:Palm St, San Diego, San Diego, California 92103, United States
Race for the Cure
Hanukkah Happening
When? Sunday, December 2 from 10:30 a.m. - 2 p.m.
What? Help run booths at the carnival, help with raffles, fun stuff!
Why? To support the Nierman Preeschool and the children at the Jewish Community Center (JCC)
Where? Directions: 4126 Executive Drive, in La Jolla. Take 5 South and exit Genesee Ave. Turn left off the exit and follow Genesee all the way to Executive Drive (about 2 stop lights before La Jolla Village Drive). On the right hand side.
KPBS Winter Pledge Campaign
When? SATURDAY, December 1. The event runs from 7:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m but we will meet in the front of TPHS at 6:20.
What? Volunteers will take pledges at KPBS and our club name will be on the air! Dinner will also be provided.
Why? To help support our local TV station!
Unicef Box Counting
Thanks to everyone who raised money and helped count boxes! We couldn't have done it without you :)
What: We will be counting the money from the Unicef boxes. You get hours!
Where: Carmel Valley Public Library
When: 2 pm- until how long it takes on Saturday, November 17th
Writing to the men and women overseas
What: Writing to the men and women that are fighting overseas
When: Whenever. Please print out what you send and give it to me so I can give you hours.
Where: Place with a computer
Coordinator: Rachel
Sponsor Sheet
This is an easy way to get community service and help out Schools for Schools and Invisible Children organizations to build a school in Northern Uganda!
Just print out this form and ask friends and family to donate any amount of money to the cause. You get 1 hour of community service for every 10 sponsors you get!
Please make checks may be made payable to TPHS Key Club and turn all of the money into one folder. Thank you!
Key Club Tee-Shirt Design Contest
When? All designs will be due on Wednesday, November 28 at our meeting at lunch. This gives you the whole Thanksgiving break to work on it!
What? We will be making club shirts and your ideas and designs are wanted! Your design must include the phrase "Caring, our way of life" and have "Torrey Pines Key Club" written somewhere on the design. It must be made as a jpeg file because that is what the tee-shirt company uses to get the design on the shirt.
Why? To boost spirit and raise money for club funds! You will receive 1 hour of community service for your design submission. (Your design does not have to win for you to get an hour of service).
Please contact Nadia Farjood if you have any questions or concerns!
"Silver Strand Half Marathon"
When? Sunday, November 11. Meet at TPHS at 5:00 a.m. (!!!). The event will run until 8:00.
What? Help out at the starting line registration tables and hand out numbers and supplies to the runners for the race.
Why? Each Key Clubber that participates in this event will receive $10 that will go toward club funds. This race also benefits the Challenged Athletes Foundation and disabled athletes.
Take 8 West
5 South
Coronado Bridge (75)
Left on Orange
Go to R.H. Dana Place (before Hotel del Coronado)
Take a right
Merge with Ocean Blvd.
Please contact Michelle Chow with any concerns about this event.