What: Strut your stuff and get hours for it! Get down with that sexy guy/girl in Key Club you've been eyeing this whole year. Or groove with hot and mysterious guys/girls you don't know from other schools (Rancho Bernardo, Mt. Carmel, Poway, etc.) THIS IS THE PARTY OF THE YEAR. NO JOKE. So girls and guys, this is an excuse to dress up all sexy (semi-formal, please), while telling your parents you're going to a Key Club event. Little do they know what's really going down...
And if you don't dance, it's a great opportunity to socialize!
$10 if you don't bring food
$7 if you do! so bring delicious food!
There is also going to be a short DCM right before the dance, where you can meet other Key Clubs from our division and get a bigger picture of what Key Club is all about. Yay!
Where: RB Swim and Tennis Club
East on 56
North on 15
Off at Rancho Bernardo Road, make a right to go East
Go about a mile
Left on Bernardo Oaks Drive and make an immediate right into the parking lot.
When: Saturday, June 14th, 3 pm - 10pm
Rock n' Roll Marathon
What: I know it's a long shift, but the Rock n' Roll Marathon is a HUGE event and so much fun. They will provide lunch, drinks, and snacks. There will also be time to browse around, listen to music, and get some free stuff! Plus, every volunteer will get a free T-shirt, goody bag and a concert ticket to the June 1st Qualcomm Pat Benatar concert (separate from the marathon).
It is very important that you SIGN UP ONLINE ASAP, because after you do so the volunteer coordinator will be able to mail you more information, directions, and a parking pass to the Marine Corp Recruiting Depot. The link is http://www.elitevolunteer.com
When: June 1st, 6:00 A.M. - 2:45 P.M. Meet at the front of TP by 5:30 A.M.
Where: Marine Corp Recruiting Depot (directions will be sent in the mail)