If you would like to increase your Key Club involvement, apply to become a representative! There will be two representatives per grade (freshman, sophomore, junior, senior) and this leadership position requires weekly board meeting attendance on Tuesdays in Mr. Montgomery's room. Representatives will also be responsible for contacting local San Diego service organizations and coordinating events.
To apply, please submit a brief response to the following question to nadia@farjood.com or hand it in to Nadia Farjood at the Thursday general meetings at lunch in the Lecture Hall:
How can you serve TPHS Key Club as a representative?
Be sure to include your name and grade at the top of the page.
The application process will also include an interview shortly following the submission of your brief statement.
Due date: Nov. 21
Good luck!
Calling all representatives!
Sea Side ( Cardiff) Beach Clean Up
When: November 8th , Saturday 9 am- 11 am
What: Clean the beach! tools are equipments will the provided . ( please wear shoes, caps, sun lotion..if needed)
Where: Cardiff Beach
From I-5 North: Exit at Lomas Santa Fe Dr., head West/Left. Turn North/Right on N. Hwy 101. Coming out of Solana Beach, near the San Elijo Lagoon, Seaside is located on the left hand side. Look for the large parking lot.
From I-5 South: Exit at Encinitas Blvd., head West/Right. Turn South/Left on S. Coast Hwy 101. Continue down Hwy. 101 pass San Elijo Campground and Restaurant Row. Seaside is located on the right hand side. Look for the large parking lot.
If you have any questions, please contact Rachneet Sethi ( nainasethi_13@yahoo.com , 858-405-0044)
Member Applications 2011-2012
All (even returning) Key Clubbers must fill this out and pay $13 in cash or in a check made payable to TPHS Key Club. Please give your completed form and money to our Treasurer Connie Liu by October 19th. If you miss this date you can still join Key Club, but dues will increase to $15. We allow students to attend 3 events without paying dues in order to see what type of community service we do. Please get your forms in on time!
Project Form/Sign up Sheet
This is for Officers/Class Reps to fill out for any events they are coordinating so people can sign up for the event at the meeting. However, we are also open to members finding events, and will give you 1 hour of community service if you do. If you contact (by phone/email) any of the board members to get the event approved, please fill out the project form and bring it to the meeting. One of the board members will help you in coordinating the event the day of.
Event Data Form
This form is for coordinators who have already had their event. After the event, the coordinator must fill out this form, download it, and email the completed form to secretary Catherine Lee at cattydae@gmail.com.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. registration
5:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. walk
Registration & State in the Park on the corner of 4th and K Street in Downtown San Diego.
To bring awareness to domestic violence in our community, men will walk in high heels (provided by YWCA) beginning at the Park on the corner of 4th & K Street in Downtown San Diego with a Post-Walk Reception to follow.The YWCA of San Diego is hosting this unique event to commemorate its 100th year of service to women, children and families, and to call attention to the prevailing domestic violence to women and their children. The event is a very light-hearted approach to a very serious subject and increases awareness of how domestic violence impacts individuals and families.
Race for the Cure
Coordinator: Michelle Chow (858-335-9258 / callmemc@gmail.com)
What: This has historically been Key Club's biggest event of the year, with almost 50 KCers volunteering last year! The Race for the Cure is truly an inspiring event that raises money for the Susan G. Komen foundation to find a cure for breast cancer. We are going to volunteer at WATER STATION 1 for now (please sign up ASAP because there are limited spots). SIGN UP ONLINE AT http://www.doitsports.com/volunteer2/user-volunteer-signup.tcl?job_id=23459243&event_id=124426&job_desp=Water+Station+1&volunteer_date=2008-11-02&start_time=07%3a00+AM&end_time=10%3a00+AM.
**In addition to a mind-blowing experience, you will receive a race crew t-shirt and the most free stuff you have ever seen in your life. Last year they had panera bread, sun chips, bandanas, kettle corn, yogurt, energy drinks, random geico souveneirs, and tons of other crazy stuff... It's seriously amazing.
Where: Balboa Park - 6th Avenue & Quince
When: Sunday, November 2nd, 7 am - 10 am
Meet at TP at 6:30 am for carpools
Walk to Cure Diabetes
When? October 26. Meet at TPHS at 7:45 to get rides
Where? UCSD School of Medicine Lawn
What? We will be walking as a part of the Key Club and Students of San Diego group to spread awareness of Type 1 diabetes and support the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation.
More information TBA. If you have any questions, please contact CCA Key Club Vice President Alden Hozouri at (858) 829-6113.
Please visit my Walk Web page if you would like to join the team (participate for FREE and help raise awareness! you will get hours!), donate online or see how close Alden is to reaching his personal goal:http://walk.jdrf.org/walker.cfm?id=87043414
Follow this link to make a donation:http://walk.jdrf.org/support.cfm?id=87043414
Operation R.E.D. (Responsible Educated Drivers)
What: Live bands, DJ, dance, food, an obstacle course, and more!
ALL FREE IF YOU SIGN UP ONLINE at www.operationred.org
Otherwise $20 at the door...
Where: Golden Hall in Downtown San Diego
When: Saturday, October 18th, 4 pm - 8pm TIME CHANGE!!!!!!!!!!!
Meet at TP for carpools at 3:30 pm
Why: Impaired driving is a choice and results in more than 7,000 teenage deaths a year. This includes alcohol and drugs, as well as cell phones, seatbelts, and outright inattentiveness.
What: Just bring $10 (covers two games), come bowl, and you'll get 1 hour of community service. It's that easy. Really.
Where: The Aztec Center Lower Courtyard at SDSU (campus map: https://sunspot.sdsu.edu/map/display.cgi). The bowling alley is located in the Aztec Center, NOT the aztec recreation center. The Bowling center is #19 of the Aztec Center Lower level map: http://as.sdsu.edu/aztec/lowerlevel.html.
Directions:After you exit Highway 8 on College Avenue, the Aztec Center will be on your right, right before Montezuma Rd. It's by the arched bridge, amongst white(-ish) buildings - go downstairs to the lower level of the Aztec Center and you'll find it.
When: Saturday, October 11, 4 pm - 6 pm
Why: To raise money for District Convention in April and Key Club funds, so we can continue to help out the community and various organizations!
Fall Rally! Six Flags!
Ready for lots of fun, intense rides, and ultimate Key Club spirit? Well, that means you have to come to Fall Rally!