What: Help out as a volunteer at the MS Walk for the National Multiple Sclerosis Society to help raise funds to create a world free of MS! More information regarding what we will be doing TBA.
When: Sunday, May 1st. 9 am -1 pm. [Meet at TPHS @8:20 for rides.]
Where: Legoland: Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008.
Coordinator: Megan Ho
Contact at tphskeyclub@gmail.com if you would like to attend!
MS Walk
Carmel Valley Egg Hunt
What: Help little kiddies at a local egg hunt :) Responsibilities would include helping run the spring gift tent that nearly 700 children will pass through to select a variety of toys and candy after they’ve completed their egg hunt dash!! The more the merrier, so bring a friend!
When: 8 a.m. - 12 p.m. (NO RIDES since it is so close)
Where: Carmel Valley Rec Center, Townsgate Drive
Please EMAIL tphskeyclub@gmail.com if you are going so that we can keep track! Also, check in with one of our board members at the event to make sure we know you attended!
Pancake Breakfast Event
What: Help out as a general volunteer for the First Annual Del Mar Kiwanis Pancake Breakfast!! The fundraiser is going toward two teenager homes in San Diego.
When: 6:45 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. (please meet at school at 6:30 a.m. for rides!)
Where: Powerhouse Park, Del Mar
EMAIL tphskeyclub@gmail.com if you would like to attend!!
Rummage Sale Volunteering/Donations
What: TPKC will be helping with the annual TPHS Spring Rummage sale, held in the staff parking lot behind school!! We will be helping on Friday and Saturday, as well as manning our own booth. PLEASE donate anything you can to TPKC, we would greatly appreciate it, and we'll also award donation hours, too.
When: Friday, April 29 4 p.m. - 7 p.m. (help unload)
Saturday, April 30 6 a.m. - 11 a.m. (help serve food, man TPKC booth)
Where: staff parking lot behind school
Contact us if you would like to volunteer, and please specify which day!!
Feeding America San Diego
Pancake Breakfast Tickets
What: Help man a TPKC booth to sell Pancake Breakfast Tickets at the Del Mar Open Air Market! $4 from each ticket sold goes to TPKC!!! The tickets are for the Del Mar Kiwanis sponsored fundraiser, which benefits two homes that educate and shelter teenagers in need.
When: Saturday, April 9 (12 p.m. - 4 p.m.)
Where: Meet at the Del Mar Open Air Market if possible; corner of 10th and Camino Del Mar (if you have problems with rides, please email us!)