When: August 13th 1-5 pm

Where: Boys and Girls Club in CV
What: Our OTC (officer training conference) and August DCM
It's a great way to learn about key club on a larger level, meet new people, have fun, and be amazing :]

Note: Even though it is called an OTC (officer training conference), all members are welcome and there will be workshops specifically for members too!

30th Annual Banana Split in the Park

When: August 6, 2011 3:30-7:45 (arrive at TPHS at 3:00)

Where: Standley Park (3585 Governor Drive San Diego, CA 92122)
What: We will be helping out with serving items for the actual Banana Split, the Fun Zone, and Set-up/Clean-up

If you guys attend, please remember we have to follow safety protocol~~ (Hair tied up, clean nails/no nail polish, no chewing gum)

Please email tphskeyclub@gmail.com ASAP if you want to go, as the volunteer list is due soon.

Coordinator: Lydia Chen

Habitat Restoration

When: July 31, 2011 1:00 – 3:30pm (We will meet at school at 12:45 pm)
Where: Crest Canyon,
Del Mar
We will be removing invasive, non-native plants to protect wildlife habitat, and maintaining new restoration areas

Tools, training and work gloves will be provided! But please bring water, sun protection and wear sturdy, closed-toed shoes.

*WAIVER required
Coordinator: Rachael Lee

Kaiser Permanente 5K

When: Saturday, July 23, 2011 6am-9:30am (meet at TP at 5:30am)

Where: Qualcomm Station

What: Help out at the race :]
You get a free t-shirt and refreshments as a volunteer, so sign up by emailing tphskeyclub@gmail.com with your name and number and whether or not you can give rides please!

Swim Meet

What: We will be volunteering at a swim meet. We time swimmers, fill out paperwork (like awards for swimmers), and work at the food booth.

When: July 16th and 17th from 8 am to 2:30 pm.

Where: JCC in La Jolla

There is a limited spots for this event, so email to sign up soon :]

Gonzales Canyon

What: Helping with picking up trash, picking non-native plants, planting native plants, and maintaing the trail. Make sure to wear closed-toe shoes and bring any protection from the sun (hat, sunscreen, etc). You will be provided with gloves. And bring a water bottle, since it can get pretty warm outside.


Where: Next to the tennis courts behind TPHS.

When: Saturday July 9th 9am-12pm

Coordinator: Claire K Chen